Sunday, December 29, 2013


The Dad has been obsessed with the LegalZoom commercials that showcase that toffee company.  He asks me every single time if it's a real company.  This has been going on for a long time. I ordered him some for Christmas. It's ok... not the best I've had - but good.

There was a guy he knew in the Army, Denny, that used to send toffee to my Grandmother every single year.  I can't remember where that was from - I think he lived in Montana... 

Anyway, both The Dad and I are obsessed with drinks... he's always trying to time when I'm going to get back to the house so he has some sort of float or smoothie or icee ready for when I walk in.  I made salted carmel hot chocolate and chopped up some of the toffee to put on top. Here's the last few drinks we've had...

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