Monday, January 6, 2014


2013 was the latest I ever put Christmas decorations up... the least amount of decorations out and the shortest time I had them out. I've been known to have Christmas stuff out till March or later!  This doesn't count the tree at the bottom of the steps that is always Christmas - taken from Dixon House, as is, and never put away or the few snowmen that are out year round because I love them.   I couldn't wait to get the other stuff out of my sight. If I felt better I probably would have had them put away sooner! Bah Humbug.  I still have some gifts downstairs to give out and then going to have to start planning Christmas in July... I'm going to see if that works out better for me.

Without fail, though, I always find a bag of something that I forgot about.  I found a bag of stocking stuffers and a single girl tin tree stocking holder and some pug ornaments that I bought for myself.

I'm always on the lookout for pug stuff. The bigger pug ornament on the left is usually my first find of the year. Sometimes as early as October. I have some other ones from the past few years. They are made by First class Fido which is actually TJXs own line so I'm always running into TJMaxx and Marshall's on a hunt.  There's usually just one and I'm the lunatic going through every single box screaming where the hell is the pug in my head.  At least I think it's in my head! ;-)

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