I was thinking about all those years of violin lessons and all the shows I used to go see with my godmother when I was a little kid and how I always wanted to be coming out of the back door with the rest of the cast.... though I am still traumatized with Cats. That one I'll always remember - first row center with all those felines made me really sick when I was young. I guess I was always a dog person. ;-) That year in NYC with The Lion King and Hairspray and Rent too... That was a good show year. I'm kind of sorry I never saw that Green Day musical - American Idiot. I watched the documentary of it on Showtime the other morning. It looked pretty good. I heard that song and realized September is over and I'm still not caught up on this blog.
Still having major computer problems (ughh) and my photos are out of control. I'm lost and need help big time!!! I've been super busy and am having a hard time managing my time. Glo is doing really bad and I'm consumed with her laundry - bags of it - daily. Thankfully, one day while I was working, Chrissy and Cara came and spent hours organizing her room and marking every one of her clothes with her name so the facility can start doing her laundry. I haven't relinquished it yet but have to - soon. It's just getting out of hand. I missed all those years of washing baby diapers but made up for it now. Talk about the circle of life. Yes, that's a paint roller. ;-)

So, what else happened this past month? I saw a kid on a unicycle going down Atherton. That was fun. Way to march to the beat of a different drummer. You go, boy.

I had to call the police because there was a wire down in front of my car as I was leaving for work... I called the municipality and they told me to call the police. I really was going to take my chances but wasn't quite sure if it was an emergency or not.

There was a lot of junking going on this month.... you know - because I don't have enough of it on my own... I need to take in more junk that belonged to someone else. We went to Columbiana, Ohio for Antiques in the Woods. Always a good show. I'm not too much of a festival food kind of girl but the pulled pork and mashed potato parfait with a tomato on top was actually pretty good.

And we finally got to Hannastown this year. Last day of the season but we made it.
Always have fond memories of that one. Good toy trucks and flower frogs... I always think of Mum when I see those glass frogs. I got three nice ones for $1 each. Infant of Prague and metal tray for a memo board were also $1 each. I found a flatware caddy at Goodwill for $3 for Glo's extra silverware. I know - another globe. 10 bucks but the color is really good. That's my last globe purchase for awhile, I promise.
Yes, everything went directly to storage.
I can't believe in all these years we never went to the Potato Fest in Ebensburg before now... I'm obviously in a unicycle phase... there was a unicycle riding entertainer with a creepy stuffed monkey on his very own bike there. No stuffed potatoes though... like walking stuffed potatoes. They had baked ones to eat just no mascot unless we missed him. We were surprised by that.

Most importantly, the puppy dog turned 6 this month!!!!!! I had to work and the Dad was at a party so it was pretty low key. I stopped at Arby's for a roast beef sandwich for her (she had a few bites) and once I got back to the house I forgot that I didn't even stop for cupcakes... I was too tired to go back out so I hurried up and made a cake and luckily had a "9" candle that I turned upside down... sorry, pup, now that your mom is working - no big parties for you. ;-( Love The Lil Bud.

Speaking of working... I have some news. It's kind of hard to believe but it was a year September 27th that I started there. One of the ladies in my department retired so they asked if I wanted to take her place. So I moved from a casual position to part time... I get benefits and PTO and all that big girl stuff. Yay, me. I saw this in Marshall's the other day and thought it was perfect for my new desk.