Needless to say, Christmas is not really first on my mind this year. Last year, when my boss was off on maternity leave, we had a cookie exchange in our department and I suggested we do it again this year… you know, because I love making cookies so much. (I DON'T) Anyway, I waited until the very last minute and went out and bought the stuff for those cracker cookie things that I remember 150 years ago Lucille made… we just had them in Lawrenceville, too, and I thought I would go for it.
I failed, miserably.

I had no other choice but to run to Target…

… I intended to make chocolate covered marshmallows as well but decided to forget about that after I made about a dozen and realized I had way too many more to make… so I made some little cocoa packs…

... and added them to my cute little bags…

…and at my favorite hour - called it a night.

I've come to the realization that I just like packaging things up. The cookie part - not so much.