We had a Wedding Week at work... we've been collecting wedding photos from some of the residents and it was my job to display all of them... I can't really show it here but my display turned out really nice. Everyone loved it. I, of course, put Aunt Gloria and Uncle Norman's photo on there... it's kind of sad that she often doesn't even know that her wedding picture (which is on her dresser) is actually her. She sometimes says it's her parents or will say it's her and her dad. This whole wedding week preparation has been making me uneasy. I think I'll save that for another post, though.
Anyway, the photographer that photographed my former niece Angela's wedding also did Lizzie's friends Rossilyn and Shane's fabulous Pittsburgh wedding. Lizzie was in R & S's wedding as well as other Collegian pals - Alex and Andrew as bridesmaids - well they were brides-bros. ;-) You can see his work from their stunning art deco wedding
I've been following this photographer for awhile and saw Angela and Mike's photos were up on his blog today. Check them out
here as well as the links to the video and such. I have to say I just love the one of her dancing with her Dad. From what I hear, it was a spectacular event.
Awhile back, fearing it would hurt his case, my husband sent out an email to friends and family requesting everyone de-friend me on social media and to not talk to me in general. Only a handful obliged. The bride was one of them. Regardless, I wish her well. It's hard to believe she's all grown up now. She'll always be the little girl we took to the zoo with her sisters. I'll still remember them, at least for the moment, in their cute handmade matching dresses for the holidays. They were all sweet girls. It's definitely been a difficult week prepping for this wedding stuff. It turns out family isn't really forever - at least for me... and with what I'm witnessing with Aunt Gloria, I guess memories aren't either. ;-(