I was looking at some pictures and now I feel like Christmas came and went and I missed it.
I didn't even get to do what I wanted to do - snuggle on the couch with the pup and watch a movie and drink coffee all night and look at magazines.
I cooked and brought food up to the Dad and it was fun but by the time I got back I was just super exhausted and I passed out.
Chrissy was laughing at me b/c I said that I feel like I didn't even get to experience the first Christmas with Aunt Gloria being dead. She said that most people would think that's a good thing but I kind of feel cheated. I don't know. Maybe it's just my fascination with death.
I mean it was my choice to not go anywhere Christmas Eve and Christmas Day besides the hospital. I didn't want to be tied down to a time to get to some place. I didn't even open a gift. I didn't buy that many yet but I had some that I had bought through the year and I wrapped them and brought them downstairs and I didn't even bother to go get them. The pup didn't even get to open anything!! How bad is that? I'm a horrible dog mom.

We did watch parts of Bad Santa and Home Alone
By the looks of all this we might be celebrating Christmas in July if he ever makes it back to the house. It's questionable still.