I think I've mentioned this once or twice or ten times before… I always would sing
You Are My Sunshine to my dogs and replace the sunshine with my dog's name… "You are my Lily. My only Lily. You make me happy…"
Chrissy and I headed out to Kittanning today… we went to The Copper Door where we've been to several times and a new place - The Rustique Log Cabin & Elk Mountain Winery. I found this wooden banner there. Love. Love. Love.

We went into town to a little place that sells Curly Tail Coffee…

We came across this jewelry store that had crime tape on the door (from what seemed like a good while ago) and an overturned plant in the doorway. It literally seemed like time stood still. I think all the clocks were stuck at the same time. Creepy.

We went to St. Vincent's which was really nice and old. I found a bunch of stuff there but it was like supermarket sweep because we got in and they were closing in like 9 minutes. This NIGHT CLOTHES section makes me smile.

I ended up buying the exact same crewel painting that I already had… what are the chances of that?!? Strange. I had a feeling that it reminded me of something but I was under a time crunch and had to make a decisions to purchase or not.

We stopped at some other little shop… they had these Kelly Rae Roberts paperweights in there with no price but the lady didn't know what they were so when I asked her how much she said 50 cents - for both.

Saw this sign on the way to lunch…

Bad corner. Bad.
We ate at Villa Rosa. I got the Chicken Ala Mafia.

We passed by this place which I knew from my Roadside Attractions love affair.. We plan to return. For now - I turned around to take a pic.

See you again, Muffler Man.