I must have one of those faces that makes all old people want to talk to me. This lady had to be 140 years old. She stopped me in the middle of the cereal aisle in the grocery store to tell me she was freezing even though she had three sweaters on. Aunt Gloria was with me and immediately came over to talk to her because that's what you do when you are that age I guess. Glo said we should all go to a bar and get a drink to warm up. The lady said when she was 18 or 19 years old her five sisters took her out. The sisters would go out once a week and leave the kids with the husbands. She didn't know they were taking her out for her "first" drink so she said she sat on the bar stool, got all comfortable and the bartender came up and asked her what she wanted and she said a MILKSHAKE! He said "we don't serve that kind of stuff here..." and all the boys in the place laughed at her. She said she'll remember that always. She said when she has a drink now it's a tablespoon of something in some ginger ale. She just never liked anything. I told her I feel the same way. I'm with you little old freezing lady in Giant Eagle wearing a lot of sweaters... and next time I have a milkshake I'll think of you. ;-)