Tuesday, April 13, 2010


It was a yucky, rainy day this morning but it turned out to be okay by late afternoon so I decided to take a walk. People were out working in their yards and the kids were out running around playing... just a normal day at somebody's house, I guess. I always drive by this house a few blocks up and am mesmerized by this swing. I know the people that live here have a pug and a strangely short fence in their back yard and I think I remember seeing a kid or two at one time... But I remember clearly when the single swing became a double one. And I remember not feeling that great about it. Sad? Disappointed? Jealous? I don't know. But I think I realized THAT day whenever it was (it was awhile ago) that kids are going to get taller and bikes are going to lose their training wheels and swings are going to multiply at somebody's house all the time.

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