I'm so used to wacky themes for Christmas I forgot how to have a traditional one! In my lack of not having anything bizarre - I didn't take pictures of the food! Just this tree - which I forgot to put out until after dessert but better late than never! Thanks to Sue for her delicious homemade hot pepper jelly!

I never got to clean or even finish buying and wrapping presents...
The stockings never got filled and are still on the treadmill...
I didn't even get to take a shower! I literally just ran out of time and, honestly, couldn't have cared less.
Lily was sick of waiting to open presents while I was running around all morning... I heard her trying to rip open her gifts...

She got a little mad when I stopped her and she fell asleep next to the Dad's presents...

We went up to visit Glo-worm who was still in her paper scrubs she was transported in the night before... I hurried up and wrapped a few things for her to open - though I don't know if she'll ever get to use them.

We ran back up later in the evening to bring Glo dessert... stopped at the light and looked at Deb's car... Can you see it? 62.1 miles. ;-)

I had to go back up hours later when I realized my purse was missing...I'm not even going to go into that. Let's just say I'm a little frazzled and leave it at that. ;-) So, all in all, I think it was a good choice to cancel Christmas this year. Keep pinning peeps and be ready for Christmas in July.
Here's a little video of Lily opening up one of her presents. ;-)
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