I think one of my superpowers is that I can see the past in people... I feel like when I look at old people I can see what they were like when they were young. Is that weird? It's like
their whole life flashes before my eyes. Kind of like the ghost whisperer but not.
Glo-worm moved floors tonight... her roommate now is Emily - she's 90. She totally reminded me of
the milkshake lady from awhile ago. I walked in the room and her first words were
please help me. I introduced myself and asked how she was and she looked at me and said
I don't know. I wanted to say - yeah, me too, Emily - but I just asked her what she needed instead. She thought she was falling out of bed but she was nowhere close to falling. This same scenario happened about 12 more times while I was in there.
It's kind of sad because I don't really think Glo needs to be in a place like this but since she has nobody to take care of her she's kind of stuck. There's some really bad people on this floor. It almost looked like a modern day insane asylum. Well, maybe not so modern day. Glo is slightly oblivious so I think that's a good thing. I'm not sure what's going to happen when she realizes where she is. It's just not somewhere I would want to be so that bothers me a lot.
Anyway, saw this today... a photo series by Karsten Thormaehlen of centenarians. Thought it was adorable. More info and photos