Saturday, July 9, 2016

I would go back and forth to Dixon House to get mail and pack things up. I would see a bottle of cabernet sauvignon missing or lip gloss on a wine glass in the dishwasher from time to time.

My old neighbor used to be able to see right into our kitchen from her third floor window. I didn't know this when we were living there but found out some time later. God only knows what she saw all those years!  Anyway, she would tell me when there were visitors - even though I never asked her to.

I remember the first time I got a text message or was it an email from her with a photo of a black SUV… I saw the fire dancer on the window and immediately put the pieces of the puzzle together. Sheri!  I'd hear about a car pulling into the driveway and someone getting out and into another car and my neighbor would laugh at the chivalry of it all - opening doors, etc… I even witnessed a return once - seeing them on their way back from jury duty as I, with mail and some freshly loaded boxes, was headed in the other direction.

It's all kind of sadly funny now.

In honor of the DMB concert I thought I would share this little part of my life.

I had to laugh when I saw this car recently… Certainly not discreet, to say the least. ;-)

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