Today was my birthday. I was off. The girls have been asking me what I wanted to do and I couldn't come up with anything. We didn't really have a plan. We had breakfast and went to the french bakery and then we kind of just wandered. I like to wander. We ended up going here and there and everywhere... one of our stops was to Construction Junction...

I do get great joy out of the strangest things! Can you believe I didn't buy one chair? Not one! Though I wanted every one I saw.

I was pretty good at resisting temptation... there were some lockers that were calling my name and some doors. All I wanted was this...

Like REALLY wanted it. It reminded me of Penn State and the library and I sat there on that little baby chair and promised that if I got it I would be so productive and it would be my own little nook to GTD. It had a hole for a cord and a shelf to put things on. Come on - I could have put cute things on that shelf. And - are you ready for this? It was $5.00.
And guess what? Those bitches wouldn't let me get it because they said I didn't have anywhere to put it.
Thanks, guys.