We sang Happy Birthday to America and followed with a striking rendition of God Bless America... I only recorded 13 seconds of it... you'll thank me for that later.

We also had a flag bearer.

Here's the Glo-worm showing off Aunt Joyce's beautiful star watermelon... we took a chance with that one... I think it's time for Cara to get an EpiPen. I do fear for her life but it's not summer without watermelon. Just saying! ;-)

I had a Pinterest fail with my attempt at the red (cranberry juice) and blue (gatorade) and white (sparkling water) drink... I did reach Chrissy and Ted open container in the car status with my mason jar when I went to pick everyone up. I just poured it and didn't want to waste it. I was aware of the molecular weight and sugar content of my ingredients and don't know why it didn't work?!? It looks like I need to practice before Labor Day.
Yeah, I'm not really sure what they were doing... ;-)

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