She has rediscovered RoseBud's Spider...
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Picnic photos continue... We had sleeping babies everywhere...

Picnic photos continue... We had sleeping babies everywhere...

We had some Smores... it took me a couple minutes to figure out if Aunt Joyce was being attacked by some evil flaming spirit in this picture.
It's not a party until Uncle Ronnie's fake poop appears...
Seriously, it's like another party guest...
We ended the night with Jake teaching the boys how to set things on fire.
memorial day 2014,
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Rick was very helpful for our family picnic on Saturday... he did all the grilling, etc. I was slightly less frazzled for this party - mainly because I don't really care anymore. If it's not clean or done or ready I don't really give a shit. I did have my post-it's out. So I was good.

We kept it simple...

My godson Jake was in the hospital the night before and came over in a cast... we had his birthday party here.

Lily was on trash duty...

She had some friends over too...

I think she thought they were squeaky dog toys that came to life!

Twin was like the Santa of the Woods....

The kids would take turns and go sit by him and he would talk about the animals down the hill, etc...

My photos are acting crazy so I'm going to have to break this post up... more tomorrow.
Rick was very helpful for our family picnic on Saturday... he did all the grilling, etc. I was slightly less frazzled for this party - mainly because I don't really care anymore. If it's not clean or done or ready I don't really give a shit. I did have my post-it's out. So I was good.

We kept it simple...

My godson Jake was in the hospital the night before and came over in a cast... we had his birthday party here.

Lily was on trash duty...

She had some friends over too...

I think she thought they were squeaky dog toys that came to life!

Twin was like the Santa of the Woods....

The kids would take turns and go sit by him and he would talk about the animals down the hill, etc...

My photos are acting crazy so I'm going to have to break this post up... more tomorrow.
Monday, May 26, 2014

I'll just come home with ANOTHER three tiered server of some kind. I really can't get enough of them. This one is from Sam's. I've been seeing it for awhile and tried to resist but I caved this week and got it - I knew if I didn't pick it up I'd never see it again so I had to. Had to! Worked out for Saturday's party so I feel a little less guilty about the purchase.

I'll just come home with ANOTHER three tiered server of some kind. I really can't get enough of them. This one is from Sam's. I've been seeing it for awhile and tried to resist but I caved this week and got it - I knew if I didn't pick it up I'd never see it again so I had to. Had to! Worked out for Saturday's party so I feel a little less guilty about the purchase.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Saturday, May 24, 2014

I rediscovered this guy in a shoe while I was weeding... he came from Dixon House. It was found in the yard many years ago and I rescued him... Kyle or Eric's I guess.
I rediscovered this guy in a shoe while I was weeding... he came from Dixon House. It was found in the yard many years ago and I rescued him... Kyle or Eric's I guess.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Ever since I cleaned out the Xterra I can't find where I put anything.
Ever since I cleaned out the Xterra I can't find where I put anything.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Oh how I love truck stops... I forgot to mention that we stopped here on our way back from DC.

It had a Perkins in it! I'm not sure I ever mentioned on here what "going all Perkins" means. Though it looks like I've used it here multiple times. The memory is fading but, from what I remember, the Friday night crew was coming back from some craft show or Berlin, OH or somewhere like that and we stopped to eat and were waiting and waiting to be seated and there were all these empty tables... I got mad and flipped out on the manager or the staff... I don't even remember. We ended up with like a bazillion coupons for free pie or something. So now - any time I freak out on someone or something - we refer to it as going all Perkins.
Anyway, after all our good food over the weekend we actually did go all Perkins and ate lunch there... it wasn't all that bad, actually.
Oh how I love truck stops... I forgot to mention that we stopped here on our way back from DC.

It had a Perkins in it! I'm not sure I ever mentioned on here what "going all Perkins" means. Though it looks like I've used it here multiple times. The memory is fading but, from what I remember, the Friday night crew was coming back from some craft show or Berlin, OH or somewhere like that and we stopped to eat and were waiting and waiting to be seated and there were all these empty tables... I got mad and flipped out on the manager or the staff... I don't even remember. We ended up with like a bazillion coupons for free pie or something. So now - any time I freak out on someone or something - we refer to it as going all Perkins.
Anyway, after all our good food over the weekend we actually did go all Perkins and ate lunch there... it wasn't all that bad, actually.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Saturday, May 17, 2014
A couple months ago Chrissy and I got an email that lizzie and hilary found an apartment together. They were so excited because they had two bedrooms and we could stay with them on our next visit.
We didn't really have that much to do. They had most of the unpacking done already but there were a few things left to organize.
We have boxed and unboxed her "bong" since college!

We had a pretty laid back weekend consisting of (mostly) eating things like this yummy delicious french toast...

...and this lovely mac and cheese - both from Tunnicliffs.

...and even this little potato dish from chef Jonathan Bardzik that was a demo at one of our fave spots - Eastern Market...

I bought a pomegranate tree for The Dad there. It's probably going to die in this zone but I'm going to give it a try.

Hilary suggested we go for a midnight snack so we ended up at Kramerbooks for some chocolate cake. We love chocolate cake and hilary.

We did do a little bit of sight seeing. We went to the Basilica... poor Glo - she's been wanting to go there.

Which reminded me that I never got a church votive holder which has been on my list of "things to find." I do have a kneeler... I guess I'll be checking Ebay. ;-)
A couple months ago Chrissy and I got an email that lizzie and hilary found an apartment together. They were so excited because they had two bedrooms and we could stay with them on our next visit.
We didn't really have that much to do. They had most of the unpacking done already but there were a few things left to organize.
We have boxed and unboxed her "bong" since college!

We had a pretty laid back weekend consisting of (mostly) eating things like this yummy delicious french toast...
...and this lovely mac and cheese - both from Tunnicliffs.

...and even this little potato dish from chef Jonathan Bardzik that was a demo at one of our fave spots - Eastern Market...

I bought a pomegranate tree for The Dad there. It's probably going to die in this zone but I'm going to give it a try.

Hilary suggested we go for a midnight snack so we ended up at Kramerbooks for some chocolate cake. We love chocolate cake and hilary.

We did do a little bit of sight seeing. We went to the Basilica... poor Glo - she's been wanting to go there.

Which reminded me that I never got a church votive holder which has been on my list of "things to find." I do have a kneeler... I guess I'll be checking Ebay. ;-)
Friday, May 16, 2014
I think I talked about how Chrissy and I started a book club this year. For the first three months, that book club consisted of buying various diet books. Not actually reading them - just buying them. Then we got focused and read the intros and maybe a chapter or two. Finally we got motivated enough to get down to business. We're doing completely different things. I've quit three times in the last few weeks... she's doing a little better at sticking to hers but hating it nonetheless.
We've been dreading this day because we knew it was going to be bittersweet. We set out this morning for a trip to DC and - I can't believe I'm going to say this... WE DID NOT HAVE A SNACK BAG WITH US! There really is no point in going on an adventure without snacks. That's half the fun. The open road and blue sky was just too much and panic and deep regret set in shortly after we got moving. Fortunately, about 30 minutes into the drive, I discovered a little baggie of sunflower seeds I had in my purse... Then all hell broke loose when we stopped in Breezewood. I got a little whopper at Burger King! I haven't had a fast food burger in a couple years - that one PETA commercial got to me. Anyway, I fear it is all downhill from here.
I think I talked about how Chrissy and I started a book club this year. For the first three months, that book club consisted of buying various diet books. Not actually reading them - just buying them. Then we got focused and read the intros and maybe a chapter or two. Finally we got motivated enough to get down to business. We're doing completely different things. I've quit three times in the last few weeks... she's doing a little better at sticking to hers but hating it nonetheless.
We've been dreading this day because we knew it was going to be bittersweet. We set out this morning for a trip to DC and - I can't believe I'm going to say this... WE DID NOT HAVE A SNACK BAG WITH US! There really is no point in going on an adventure without snacks. That's half the fun. The open road and blue sky was just too much and panic and deep regret set in shortly after we got moving. Fortunately, about 30 minutes into the drive, I discovered a little baggie of sunflower seeds I had in my purse... Then all hell broke loose when we stopped in Breezewood. I got a little whopper at Burger King! I haven't had a fast food burger in a couple years - that one PETA commercial got to me. Anyway, I fear it is all downhill from here.

little miss hangry,
no snacks,
Road Trip
Thursday, May 15, 2014
I often feel like I'm going to be shot in a restaurant... this always comes to mind.
I often feel like I'm going to be shot in a restaurant... this always comes to mind.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
I finally got The Lily Bud to eat and take her pills. She's on a prescription diet for her urinary issues so she doesn't get anything like this so I guess she considered it a treat. It's so weird because the beef one looks like stew and this chicken one - I bet The Dad would have totally eaten it if I had it in a bowl. She still knows there's something strange in it (the pill) but it must be good enough in her eyes to not care that much!!
I finally got The Lily Bud to eat and take her pills. She's on a prescription diet for her urinary issues so she doesn't get anything like this so I guess she considered it a treat. It's so weird because the beef one looks like stew and this chicken one - I bet The Dad would have totally eaten it if I had it in a bowl. She still knows there's something strange in it (the pill) but it must be good enough in her eyes to not care that much!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
This is kind of unbelievable... what is it - the middle of May? Chrissy and I still haven't exchanged Christmas presents. Yes. I'm totally serious. We've seen each other a thousand times and, in fact, she brought my presents over and they've been behind the bar for a couple months, I think. I know. It's ridiculous. My goal was to "have Christmas" before her birthday but I don't know if that's happening. Anyway, one of my presents got ripped open when I was moving something behind the bar and I saw the box and squealed like a little piglet so I called her and told her I was opening it!

My very own RASKOG! I want a hundred of these all over the house... they have it in grey now and I think they should make it in red. I want more... more - more- more!
This is kind of unbelievable... what is it - the middle of May? Chrissy and I still haven't exchanged Christmas presents. Yes. I'm totally serious. We've seen each other a thousand times and, in fact, she brought my presents over and they've been behind the bar for a couple months, I think. I know. It's ridiculous. My goal was to "have Christmas" before her birthday but I don't know if that's happening. Anyway, one of my presents got ripped open when I was moving something behind the bar and I saw the box and squealed like a little piglet so I called her and told her I was opening it!

My very own RASKOG! I want a hundred of these all over the house... they have it in grey now and I think they should make it in red. I want more... more - more- more!
Monday, May 12, 2014
Sunday, May 11, 2014
I don't know if I'll ever get over missing out on the homework and the recitals and the sick visits and report cards... the summer vacations and the monsters under the bed... I don't like this day too much for many different reasons - being motherless... being childless... being divorced. I really don't think this is something I will ever be at peace with. Every year seems to get worse.

Video here.
I don't know if I'll ever get over missing out on the homework and the recitals and the sick visits and report cards... the summer vacations and the monsters under the bed... I don't like this day too much for many different reasons - being motherless... being childless... being divorced. I really don't think this is something I will ever be at peace with. Every year seems to get worse.

Video here.
mom wannabe,
Mother's Day,
mother's day 2014
Saturday, May 10, 2014
How terrible is this? For the past three days a bird has been trying to build a nest on the porch light... and I keep knocking it down. And it's almost Mother's Day! I feel terrible about this. I can't risk having birds come in the house being so close to the door. I'm sorry, birdy. I don't know what to do... if I get you a birdhouse will you use that?
How terrible is this? For the past three days a bird has been trying to build a nest on the porch light... and I keep knocking it down. And it's almost Mother's Day! I feel terrible about this. I can't risk having birds come in the house being so close to the door. I'm sorry, birdy. I don't know what to do... if I get you a birdhouse will you use that?
Friday, May 9, 2014
Found this little guy sitting on the back porch. Lily walked out with me and was completely oblivious - she walked right past him... When Lily was in the yard the bunny walked over to the buckets and watched us. I think bunny mamas come out at night... I hope he's not hungry... Or an orphan... Or gets eaten by a giant bird... I'll keep you safe, little bunny, unless my dog thinks you are a toy. Then, we're all in trouble.
Found this little guy sitting on the back porch. Lily walked out with me and was completely oblivious - she walked right past him... When Lily was in the yard the bunny walked over to the buckets and watched us. I think bunny mamas come out at night... I hope he's not hungry... Or an orphan... Or gets eaten by a giant bird... I'll keep you safe, little bunny, unless my dog thinks you are a toy. Then, we're all in trouble.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Truth be told, I'm weirded out when my dad refers to Lily as my daughter and he does it a lot. I really don't think he's trying to be funny - I think he's serious. He'll say things like your daughter wants to go to bed or should I feed your daughter? Or he'll be talking to her and say go ask your mother if you can have a treat. This may sound strange but, in a way, it actually kind of makes me feel bad.
Truth be told, I'm weirded out when my dad refers to Lily as my daughter and he does it a lot. I really don't think he's trying to be funny - I think he's serious. He'll say things like your daughter wants to go to bed or should I feed your daughter? Or he'll be talking to her and say go ask your mother if you can have a treat. This may sound strange but, in a way, it actually kind of makes me feel bad.
dog mom,
dog mom of the year,
it's only ok if I say it,
mommy blues,
The Dad,
truth be told
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
I have a friggin giant med chart with times to give my puppy her pills... she still won't eat and is still throwing up at even the smell of food now. ;-( Carey is always on standby - we've been having nightly Facebook briefings such as this...
I have a friggin giant med chart with times to give my puppy her pills... she still won't eat and is still throwing up at even the smell of food now. ;-( Carey is always on standby - we've been having nightly Facebook briefings such as this...
Monday, May 5, 2014
Lily is not responding well to this medication... I'm having the hardest time giving it to her... she spits it out... she won't eat... she's been throwing up. I don't know what to do. The poor pup only goes in her own backyard and ends up with Lyme Disease. I'm sick and tired of all of this. Feel better puppy. ;-(
Lily is not responding well to this medication... I'm having the hardest time giving it to her... she spits it out... she won't eat... she's been throwing up. I don't know what to do. The poor pup only goes in her own backyard and ends up with Lyme Disease. I'm sick and tired of all of this. Feel better puppy. ;-(
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