I ended up not going back to Glo-worms Friday night after being out the entire day shopping... I was too tired and the roads were actually a little bad from the snow. I unexpectedly decided to go back to The Dad's and stay the night. I called Glo and she was fine. I called her Saturday morning and told her where I had a "hidden" pill case (in case something like this happened) with a one day supply. She told me to stay out and finish what I needed to do. I called to check in around 2 in the afternoon and she sounded funny - she said the remote wasn't working for the tv and asked if she should call comcast. I told her to call Babe and see if it was their building or if it was hers only... Long story short, Babe's daughter came down and changed the batteries... by the time I finally got there around 7 pm Glo was out of it... she was really spacey and not really responding to what I was saying... the tv was on but the volume was completely down. When I would say something to her she just had a sort of blank stare. We went through the mail and unpacked my bags and I went in the bathroom... I heard her talking and thought she was talking to me... I peaked out and saw her standing there facing the dining room table... I walked over to her and asked who she was talking to and she looked at me and said -
your mother.
My mother's
number has been all around - this past week especially... every time I check the time or an email comes through or something on my phone beeps, I see some variation of it...

Guess who was 21.6 pounds when she went to the vets for her checkup this week? Yeah, The Lily Bud...

The Dad went to the dealership to get his oil changed on his car today... he came back with this on his keys...

Anyway, I told her my mother wasn't there and asked if she was hungry - I fixed something to eat and we sat at the dining room table... I was going over my shopping list with her and she just kind of sat there... I asked if she wanted a popsicle... she did and mid way through she just kind of stopped and slowly collapsed on the table. I tried to wake her up but she was unresponsive... I really thought she was dead. I couldn't find a pulse in her wrist but thought I felt something in her neck so I called 911 and ran into the bedroom to try to find a bra! I'm usually half naked in the house - ask the meals on wheels delivery guy who came in without knocking! ;-) She finally came to and the ambulance came shortly after and she took a little ride...
I went upstairs to tell Babe what happened and she said she was going to the hospital with me... we spent the next three hours in the ER. We got back a little before 2 am and it's terrible to say but I was almost a little too excited. I ran around the apartment like I was on supermarket sweep grabbing all my stuff. All I kept thinking was - I'm going to sleep in my own bed tonight with the bud! In the middle of me running around I looked at the clock and saw the time...

... so I decided to have a little talk with anyone that may have been in the room with me. Not sure they heard me or not but I had a few things I wanted to tell some people. ;-)
Glo was more with it today than I thought she would be... I asked her if she remembered talking to my mother yesterday - thinking she would say she didn't or she thought it was me - but she said yes. I asked her what they were talking about and she said my mother wouldn't say anything. She said she was all gussied up though!