Thursday, July 15, 2010



On our way home from Philadelphia I hesitated to buy this giant star (it's way bigger than it looks in this picture.)
It wasn't only because I was afraid we weren't going to fit it in the car. I didn't know where it would "go" once it made it's way home or, more importantly, if it would actually stay... Chrissy said I was being silly but I kind of knew that once it became mine it was going to be a whole new Wishing Star and I obsessed about it for awhile... I finally paid the man and KNEW then what I was about to be in for. It seems as if I was right. I'm still happy I bought it and kind of excited about it.

While we are talking about stars... I saw this moon at my dad's awhile ago - not sure if I ever posted it before.

An art friend of mine posted this poem on her blog and I liked it... It's in Spanish but found the translation.

La luna by Jaime Sabines ~ Poemas sueltos, 1981 translated by W.S. Merwin

You can take the moon by the spoonful or in capsules every two hours.
It's useful as a hypnotic and sedative and besides it relieves those who have had too much philosophy.
A piece of moon in your purse works better than a rabbit's foot.
Helps you find a lover or get rich without anyone knowing, and it staves off doctors and clinics.
You can give it to children like candy when they've not gone to sleep,
and a few drops of moon in the eyes of the old helps them to die in peace.
Put a new leaf of moon under your pillow and you'll see what you want to.
Always carry a little bottle of air of the moon to keep you from drowning.
Give the key to the moon to prisoners and the disappointed.
For those who are sentenced to death and for those who are sentenced to life there is no better tonic than the moon in precise and regular doses.

I had a talk with a friend tonight and think it's finally time to say goodnight to what could have been...

So goodnight moon and goodnight you...

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