Well, it's official. The Dad is now "on the needle," as he calls it! His sugar this morning at his appointment was 280 so there was no choice other than to do insulin now. He got in the car and said "it is what it is." I agreed.
I had a mammogram this afternoon... It's funny when a bunch of nervous women get together in ill fitting gowns all sitting in a waiting room (the holding area as I like to call it) not quite knowing what's going to happen... Everyone is a little loud and overly chatty. There were three of us waiting and one woman came in and sat down and her gown just burst right open so everyone was laughing (including her!) They all thought I was much younger than I was so were kind of interested as to why I would be there. I explained that my mother died at 49 of breast cancer 18 years ago, blah, blah, blah, and I'm not as young as I look. ;-) We were each brought back to wherever we needed to be. They took some views and then I was sent to another (fancier) holding room to wait for an ultrasound... it gets fancier and fancier the worse it gets there. ;-) Then, after the doctor looked at the pictures... they asked me to go back for more views... That happened the last time so I figured it was nothing - it is what it is, right?
I went back to the holding area and started talking to the only other girl waiting - who I found out was 8 years younger than me. She was there for something (benign) she's had for many years. She never had a mammogram before so she didn't know what to expect. She was a nervous wreck. She asked if I was married and had any kids so I explained a little of that... we talked for about 40 minutes (all in all I was there for almost 3 hours.) They called her back first and she came over and hugged me and wished me luck, as I did to her, and she said she was so happy I was there with her because I made her much more calm. I never saw her again so I don't know what happened.
I was finally brought back for the ultrasound which seemed like it took forever. The tech kept leaving the room and going out to the doctor. I was all
whatev and didn't really think much of it. I figured with all the other stuff that's going on there can't possibly be another thing! Then she came back and said the doctor wanted her to do something else... she did and left again... It was only then that I thought something may be up... I was on the table for what seemed like an hour waiting for
someone to come back and say
something and then I started to think...
Wasn't my mother 41 when she was diagnosed? Hmmm - I'm 41. Then they both came back and the doctor did it herself... she said she didn't want to alarm me (too late) but there is something suspicious and she needs to check further. So I have to do some
BSGI thing now. She said "I'll be 97% sure if it's cancer after that," shook my hand and left the room. Not the best bed side manner. ;-)
It is what it is. I guess.