Tuesday, April 24, 2012



1.  Dorit's new book is out... Girls Don't Ride Motorbikes. My feet and I really would like to see her soon.

2. I had a great lunch today with my SIL Tina at Flowers in the Attic... we questioned whether our Arnold Palmers had alcohol in them or not, though!

3. Glo was pretty bad today and it got much worse as the night went on... it's easier said than done to say I need to take care of myself right now but it's really not possible. I'm not looking forward to the next few months for many reasons.

4. Remember that small house living thing I talked about the other day?  Yeah...decision made - not for me.  I broke my damn laptop charger because I got stuck in between the desk and the bed and pulled the cord out... I literally have 15 inches between the bed and the desk. It's like living in a dorm room and it's starting to piss me off more and more every day.

5. I would like to do a cake decorating class some time... I want this for my birthday this year... in addition to an Almond Torte. ;-) Directions here.

6. I know I don't watch a lot of tv but how the heck did I miss that Dick Clark died???  I just found out last night.

7.  I did see the 20/20 special on Dancing With the Stars that was pretty good... they said that they train 6 hours a day 5 days a week... and you burn 250 calories and hour... so 30 hours a week is 7500 calories... they said that was the equivalent of 2 marathons a week. I really was considering going to dance classes but I guess that will have to wait for a little while.

8.  Love "Condescending Wonka." More here.

9. Have you seen this? Sherwin Williams - Chip It... turns any pic into a paint chip! Click on the link to play. Love this.

10. Even though it's been on a few times I still haven't seen the entire surgery episode of Guiliana and Bill, though from what I did see I'm starting to rethink my decision... I just put on the baby special and watched that and when I heard the girl say "If you want to be a parent you will find a way"  I looked at the clock and it was 12:16.  Should I take that as a sign?

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