Monday, October 28, 2013



I can't seem to function very well - on a day to day basis... I've been really scattered and confused and feel terrible. Not sick terrible just more in pain terrible. There are 80 and 90 year olds that can lift their arms higher than me during exercise! I can't walk and my wrists and my ankles and the sides of my knees hurt and all I do is check my tongue to try to gauge if I'm dying.  I keep thinking that at any given moment my wrist is going to break or something is going to snap... I'm not saying that because I'm a hypochondriac... I'm saying that because that's exactly what happened to my mother when she was picking up a stack of newspapers. I, honestly, don't remember if she was in as much pain as I was.  It's starting to concern me a little. I was off today and didn't want to do anything but I was forced to clean the garage... again.  Sometimes I hate Chrissy. ;-) She is determined to get The Dad's car in the garage as soon as possible - and is doing everything in her power to avoid cleaning her own house! All I know is that I owe her one (or a hundred) because there is no way I could do this myself.

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