Chrissy picked up Cara and met me at Miracle Mile Shopping Center. A place that haunts me still - I've talked about that before. My co-worker Cindy met us there as well. We asked her to join us on our adventure today. I drove… we went to Ruffsdale near Cindy's daughter's house to some fleatiques and junk stores out that way that she's been telling us to go to.
We stopped at Cracker Barrel on our way. I'm not a huge fan (though I did like when we would stop going to Winchestertownville on the way to the beach) but I took one for the team since they all wanted to go. I mean you can't go wrong with corn and mashed potatoes, right? ;-)
After lunch we headed out for some shopping. This is Molly. Shop dog.

We had to go around the back of the house.. Hens and chicks in old shoes. Yes.

There was a creepy upstairs. Yes, again. Just Cindy and I ventured up. Read the warning on the steps.

Stop taking pictures while you're driving, G. We had a long discussion on how Katherine had a good idea with "taking pictures with her eyes." We all were doing it all day.

No Outlet - Antiques. Story of my life.

Hello. We're here.

Do you see that duck statue?

Yeah, it's not a statue…

Quackers came to greet us… apparently they had three ducks but the coyotes got the others. He's a social little thing.

Cara went running, Cindy was already in the store shopping, I was worried for his life thinking he was going to get hit by a car in the parking lot and he just followed Chrissy around. They are besties now.

More shopping at Thrift King and L&L... More things to put a tree in - I didn't buy this car but I wanted to.

More shopping in Irwin and dinner at Tillies in McKeesport. Heard it's a bad area - we're so gangster - but the restaurant was nice and the food was good.

It was snowing pretty good when we got back to monroeville. We got to the cars - unloaded all the packages and were on our way. I went the Parkway and, about a mile to the Rodi Road entrance, I saw a car up ahead turned around and crashed into the median. There were cars on either side of me and I didn't think I was going to stop and thought I would crash right into it. Just like Test Track the car started shaking when the ABS came on. I felt like I was standing on the brake pedal. I never stopped and was just sliding straight for her - finally, I was able to get over and passed her. I saw her holding her head in the drivers seat. My first thought was to call and tell someone. I saw an ambulance coming so I figured it was ok. It was like everything was in slow motion. Up ahead I saw - on the other side - lights flashing and an ambulance and a fire truck. I didn't really realize what was going on until after the fact. I thought I ran over something and something was going on with my tires. I had no idea, at the time, it was all ice.
Not sure if it was a miracle or not that I didn't run right into her - I could have and flipped over the median. Maybe my new nun doll kept me safe.

Found her and this DeLuca hat box at Millers in Irwin.

All in all, it was a fun day/night even though I almost died.

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