Friday, September 10, 2010


I was reminded of this today... one of my Mother's favorite shows.

Then I thought of this!

Then this came to mind...
and I started CRACKING UP! ;-)

It was a strange day today...

Didn't get much sleep last night. I was looking forward to my first night in my "big girl bed" but the little puppy wasn't having any of it... She came in when the Dad got up and started whimpering. She manged to find the ottoman we put there for her temporarily but once she reached the summit she just stood there... and stood there... and stood there. Wouldn't come under the covers - wouldn't move - just stood in place. I'm not sure if she was just disoriented or thought she was going to fall to her death. Finally she plopped down but I think it was just from pure exhaustion. Hope tonight is a little better - or my big girl bed is going to need side rails.

I went to Dixon House today... my poor, poor flowers. I'm sorry flowers. Reminded me of this post from some time ago...

As I was driving through the tunnel today I had a flash back of a few months ago in Florida... We revisited the spot where it began and remembered standing there by the water posting the picture from our phones... "almost 14 years!" It seemed like yesterday.

I never thought we'd be going from this...

to walking in the house to see years of stuff banished to the garage.

to putting my clothes and possessions in garbage bags in the back of the car. Very sad.

Very sad indeed...

And how very sad is this: mishap at the Doggy Dip in Dormont the other day. I'm a little sick over that story. Poor doggy. RIP.

Sweet dreams to my little doggy... As I'm typing this Lily is in bed snuggled on her fuzzy pink blanket. She was excited to see it when I brought it to her tonight and wouldn't stop sniffing it it.

Smelled like home I guess.

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