Saturday, August 24, 2013


A little while ago Katherine and Other Joe asked me and Chrissy to help them go apartment hunting in State College.  We spent the day with a real estate agent looking at places and helped them fill out job applications.  All proved successful so we were back up there today to start the move in.

Joe was concerned about his classes and finding his buildings so we showed him around campus.  I was surprised I remembered as much as I did.... I showed them where the squirrel fell out of the tree to his death before Speech class and the only spot that I ever felt unsafe - when I was walking back to Cedarbrook and that white van drove real slow with the side door open in front of the G-man... I showed them where the Farmer's Market (still) is on Locust Lane that had those good cookies and those dried flowers that looked like brains... and the path in front of the Natatorium where I saw the aardvark... and the pretzel nibs in Willard.  Even twenty years after graduation - it still feels like home.  I hope it feels that way for them too...

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