I had a Silver Star Shamanic Manifesting meditation and guided imagery workshop tonight. I'm exhausted! Just got back from 2+ hours in Dorit's little living room with 9 other people - 7 girls and 2 guys.
It definitely was an experience. Dorit played the singing bowls throughout. We were told that on top of all the other aspects of the experience since the bowls induce alpha wave activity it's the equivalent of a full body massage. I wasn't sure I could make the drive home and am looking forward to getting in bed with the puppy!
The meditations were beyond fantastic - besides for the guy beside me snoring a little too much! With all of us laying around on our yoga mats I was, though, slightly reminded of an HBO Real Sex episode I saw many, many (like 20) years ago! But I do think everyone should experience something like this. I did realize and completely validated the fact that I truly am NOT a group type of girl. The "sit around and discuss" part of things is definitely not my cup of tea. I'm all for the shared experience and mentoring has its place but the validation from others is not something I personally need and am totally ok with that. I do see how it did help some people in our group. So whatever floats your boat, I guess!
I may not have needed validation from my group tonight but I was acknowledged by Keely today for taking care of her puppy. I will accept that. ;-)

On a side note, I'm so weird I had to go buy a special pillow to match my yoga mat. Peace Love & Happiness! Aggie blanket came along too. She's my traveling blanket and I haven't spent much time with her lately so I figured she would be a good, comfy companion.

Anyway, Dorit loved the pillow and thought it was most appropriate for this evening - so good purchase to me! Maybe that will cancel out the guilt of buying this for Lily today!?!
Poor Lily Bud - I guess I'm trying to compensate her for her loneliness with expensive furniture. I feel like I haven't spent any quality time with her the last few days because I've been so busy. I think I may have let Crosby out more than her yesterday! I may have to take her out for another Lily day on Friday... and still hoping she gets that bath soon - she may be going in the wash tub! ;-0
Off to manifest my dreams... Good night all.