Thursday, June 3, 2010



Have you ever made a list of who you are? Like EVERY little thing about you? I did over a year ago and keep adding to it as I think of something - from obvious things like wife and daughter to more obscure things like magazine junkie or compulsive email checker... ;-)

I feel bad for people that say they don't know who they are or that complain about what they've become. What a terrible life they must lead to be so distressed and unhappy. I hear firsthand or see these random facebook posts complaining and bitching about "not being able to do such and such because the kids need to get to soccer" or "had to stay late at work and couldn't go out." Cry me a river... Take your kids out of sports if it's a hassle or go in to work early and learn to manage your time better... it's really not that hard. This poor me mentality that the world has come to is disgusting and sickening.

Word around town these days is that yours truly doesn't quite know who she is! Seriously? Like, really?

I recently scanned some photos of long ago when I was in college and I was somewhat taken by my dorm room... I was proud of myself because who I was is who I am and exactly who I want to be.

I looked at that room and there was Paul and Mickey and Footie Cup and my mason jar of Cheerios and a clipboard on my desk and Woody Allen and Albert Einstein and John Belushi on the wall... It's the dorm room I would have right now - except I'd probably have a higher quality thread count on my sheets and I'd be capable of making my own bed. ;-)

So, for all of you that are so concerned with trying to change me into someone I'm not, thanks for thinking of me! I'm fine. I'm totally happy with myself, my friends (YES - I do have friends) and my life as I've chosen it to be. I do have some "advice" for you, though. Go write your own list of who you are and if you don't like what YOU see - erase it and become something else.

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