Sunday, May 20, 2012


I don't think I ever posted this picture of The Milk Truck... it's from awhile ago - outside an event at Bakery Square. ;-) 

By my last count, I have 67 pictures of my boobs in Photo Booth on my laptop - during every stage of this whole thing... prior to, during, bruised, battered, taped, stitched... I'm thinking of making one of those little old timey flip books of all the photos. It's still kind of hard to believe I left the house on Thursday around 5AM and was back in bed before noon.  It's all a little crazy.

Lily Bud has been a good little nurse.  I only got one HRRUMMPH when I told her she couldn't lay in my arm the first night. She didn't like it much but she adjusted. If  I could just get her a little ladder  to get me ice out of the freezer we would be good!

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