1. I was here a couple times before but only had twilight - not general anesthesia - so I was a little concerned. One of the doctors gave me the old "safer than riding in an airplane or a car" speech. I still wasn't buying it.

2. I made arrangements on Mother's Day with Lizzie... I told her I wasn't sure if I should have my childhood teddy bear Paul buried with me if anything happened. Lizzie promised me she would watch him if need be and he would live with her bear, Bob, per my request. He hasn't been living in DC - so when she brought him downstairs to put in the car to take back with her I questioned if it was a sign. Hello, Bob.
BTW - Paul Bear - who the hell let me name my bear that? Really? No one put the sound of that together?!? ;-)
3.The Dad finally decided to go to the surgery... he drove himself in case they "needed him at work" or "the dog needed him." I don't know if he secretly taught her to dial the phone or what - didn't matter - he ended up forgetting his phone anyway. He was (annoyingly) intrigued by everyone else in the pre-op holding tank... talked to all the nurses (especially the one that looked like Kelly Clarkson) and there was a woman prisoner - in shackles - across from me with two armed guards... That kept him busy for awhile.
4. I was watching QVC while they put my IV in... best IV placement ever. I questioned whether it was actually in at all.
5. It's impossible to type on this desk. Still can't lift my arm that high... I am now typing with one hand. I never took the pain medicine they gave me - just tylenol. Don't really want to start now. I shouldn't complain b/c I think I once saw a girl who had NO arms on one of those night time entertainment shows and she did the dishes and changed her baby's diaper with her feet... I'm assuming I could have it worse but it was very difficult to wash my hair with one arm. Just saying.
6. YUM! Thanks Stephen and Sue!
And Gina and Joanna!
7. The Dad has officially had it. It lasted about 24 hours - he took the dog out, made dinner and folded towels. He's over it already. I sent him to the store last night with a pretty big list. He probably hasn't done that much shopping at one time ever. He came back and all he said was never again.
8. After the seed placement - the day before surgery... I went to Giant Eagle to get stuff for dinner... it was funny - I was back (almost 2 months later) at the same parking lot where I got the call telling me the results from the original biopsy. Now I was there planning what could have been my last meal. There really was no question as to what it would be. None. PORKCHOPS AND APPLESAUCE. My fave. ;-)
9. I was stopped at a light on my way to the store and looked down and saw this and made a wish.
10. Lily's favorite spot to sleep is right next to me in my arm... I haven't been letting her do that so she is now hunkering down right between my legs. At least one of us is comfortable! True Companion = Little Miss Lily Bud.
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