Wednesday, June 6, 2012


David got me a sugilite stone and brought it over last week.  I held in it my hand while I slept the night before surgery.  I had it in my pocket last night when we went to dinner... I remember having it in the parking lot.  Chrissy thought she lost the parking ticket and thought maybe she dropped it somewhere between the elevator and the car. She and Michael were looking in the car and I went and re-traced our steps back to the elevator. We found the parking ticket in the back under some bags...  I swore I had the stone in my pocket when I got home... but I wasn't 100% sure.

Awhile ago I started putting my keys in a little pig bowl and now I never lose my keys (well RARELY lose my keys) because I've gotten in the habit of always (yeah, usually) putting them there.

Same with my glasses - my pig wears them. ;-)

Anyway, last night I decided to use a little truck I keep business cards in for some of my stones and special things. (Yes, I'm like a five year old with my collection of rocks and found treasures.) I put some things in it and reached in my pocket of my pants. The stone was gone. I searched for awhile and finally gave up.  It could have been anywhere. I didn't know if I really lost it it the parking lot or dropped it in the house or even if Lily ate it!!!  I thought maybe it did it's job and it found a better home... or maybe it was just hiding. It's the last thing he gave me though so I woke up sad and felt like I wasn't done with it. Call me crazy. Well, you probably already did when I said I had a small Tonka full of special rocks.

I kept telling it I wasn't done with it and I wanted it to stick around for awhile at least until I knew what was going on with chemo and radiation.  Plus - I never took it's picture! Out of the clear blue sky - where I looked many times it decided to make an appearance again!  I did a little photo shoot so at least I can remember it if it goes.

I've been trying to come up with a list of my favorite posts... while we're on this rocky subject - this was always one of them...  The Heart Of The Matter from (believe it or not) EXACTLY one year ago today - June 6, 2011

----- ok - re-read this post and now I'm freaked out. June 6, 2012 6/6/2012... all the 261s and last night I got the buzzing sound around my alarm clock that I usually get when an email comes in... never got an email but I did look at the clock...

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