"CALL ME WHEN YOU HAVE NO CLASS"Remember Rodney Dangerfield? That was his line. My Dad used to say that to Denise all the time and she would repeat it over and over... that and MC Hammer's "you can't touch this." She's been on my mind lately - I woke up laughing one night last week... I was dreaming of her at KDR. ;-)
Anyway, back to class... I decided today (like I told people to stop me from buying marshmallows) I'm telling everyone to stop me from taking another online art class if they hear me mention it... I still haven't gotten to the most recent one. I can't seem to get it together enough to do it. There's no room for me to work - I can't find any of my supplies - it's just too chaotic and frustrating here. From now on virtual classes are out and I'm going to stick with real ones! We met a woman today who does mosaic work. We played in her back yard for a couple hours underneath the trees...

I questioned whether we were entering into our own
final destination when a series of strange accidents started with a couple people in our group... I escaped with only glue on my shirt - which could have been avoided if I had my cute art apron with me. I spent an hour searching for it last night and was laughed at by some mosaic thugs that were going apron free. ;-) Sadly, I realized on the way there that I left it at sharon's house! Apron or not, we all ended up having a really good time - even though some were a little cut and bruised - and glued. I think we'll be visiting her often. You can see some of her work
Later tonight we went on a little hike. The puppy dog was exhausted before she even got out of the car. She wore herself out kissing and wagging before she even started on her journey.
I think she needs some training to become a little hiking dog. She only needed to be carried a couple times! That's probably the longest she's ever walked and I think she did okay!
We forgot to check for spiders, though, when we got back in the car!!!
I've been learning what I can and can't live without. I've come to the realization that I'm not going to be happy unless my "office" is under the trees, too. I just need to figure out how to make that happen... And I know that what made that puppy's tail wag - still wags mine... if I had one, that is. I just don't know how to get that wagging to stop!?!