I felt like I was totally unprepared for today...I didn't wash my sheets and try to minimize the dog hair the night before like last time... I never vacuumed...I think there are still clothes in the washer... I didn't have a pork chop and applesauce last meal...It all kind of just snuck up on me! I had less than three hours sleep last night. The Bud cooperated and went right outside this morning... I had to kiss her a thousand times at the bottom of the steps and go back up to find my airplane traveling locket with both Buds pics and talk to Paul and tap Gypsy and RoseBud's urns... all the neurotic, OCD things I do! Somehow, we made it out of here early. It was a very weird ride... I don't remember the last one at all. Maybe Chrissy distracted me. I feel like I noticed every little thing around me this time...
We left the house at 5:09 am and got to Magee at 5:25... there were 15 surgeries scheduled for 7:30.
We were in a different section of the pre-op this time - there were no other rooms across from us so The Dad didn't have anything else to focus on (though he tried.) He was pretty observant too. He asked if I got those things in my hair (highlights) - said they looked nice. ;-) Then he fell asleep. So I was there for awhile just looking at the four walls - well, three walls and a curtain.
I had a really nice young nurse who also had the same thing done and went and found me her favorite ice packs to use after... she said they usually don't give them out for some reason so she put them in my clothes bag... I did get my period and had to wear those pretty disposable panties they gave me.... I went in the bathroom and was mad I didn't have my phone to take a picture. You know you take way too many pictures of random things when something like that upsets you! ;-) Anyway, these fit more like boy shorts on me this time and honestly, I looked super cute in them...would have been great beach shorts besides being mesh and see through, that is. I took a picture of them when I got back to the house.

Uncle Tony got there while I was still waiting to be taken back...I had to yell at him and The Dad for being a little rowdy a couple times - at one point I had to tell them to HUSH because they were so loud I couldn't even hear the anesthesiologist talking to me. They brought me back at 7:05am and we rounded the corner and they gave me something in my IV... I felt like I was getting a little drowsy but remember entering the OR and scooting myself over to the operating room table. That was it. Next thing I know I was in recovery and it was 9:09am. They told me I was already there for an hour and would be going to step down soon. I kind of wish I could have stayed there for a couple days to catch up on some sleep! I liked hearing them trying to wake everyone up. I was in a lot more pain than I was last time - maybe because I was more aware with the twilight...
The Dad brought me back and ran to the store for some banana popsicles - he thinks banana popsicles cure all ails. So do I. though. He got pretzels and ginger ale too. Which I found on the table when I got up to pee.

He left it there and got the hell out of dodge and went to work and left me all alone!
I dragged my little table in next to the bed and put all my life line supplies there - my laptop and phones, and water, etc... including the graham crackers I brought home from the hospital...

Lily stared them down for about 15 minutes. She never touched them or went after them... She finally gave up - exhausted and defeated and pushed me over to the middle of the bed to assume her position right by my side...

...and with two simultaneous sighs - we both went to sleep.
Later, she woke me up to eat those graham crackers! Love The Bud.