Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I got caught in a strange rain storm as I was leaving Oakland today. I wasn't even thinking and went down Washington Boulevard... from one end to the other it just got worse and worse. You can't tell from this picture but by the time I was half way through water was already in the middle of the road and on the sides...
Allegheny River Boulevard was just as bad if not worse. I have to admit I opened the glove box and got my Life Hammer out. I didn't think I was going to make it home. It was the first I noticed the trees on Washington Boulevard too... I guess a lot (way back) fell or were uprooted from that last storm when the people died. Who would ever think you could drown driving down the road?

On a lighter note - just because she's so cute... here's Lily Bud playing with my pig timer
You would think she didn't have any toys of her own.

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