Saturday, April 16, 2011


I actually slept last night... for a little bit, at least. I woke up from a deep sleep to the sound of the rain - my window was wide open so I heard it loud and clear. I rolled over and reached down to make sure the dog was there - she was at my feet, under the window. I thought my headache went away and was excited to possibly be lulled to sleep again by the rain - hoping to wake up and be able to function. Then I heard it... a sound I remembered from Dixon House years ago... something was crying and screaming in the back yard... or at least that's where I thought it was coming from. I looked at the time (it was a little before 5) and thought it was strange that I didn't hear daddy leave for work... then I heard the bipap machine and thought maybe the sound was him gasping for breath... I ran in the room woke him up and told him he was late for work... he starts to get ready and then a few minutes later he asks me what day it is!?! Needless to say, with it being saturday, I was a little disoriented. Then the sound started again. It WAS coming from the back yard... it must have been an animal, a raccoon I think, that got separated from it's mother - in the rain - and was crying out... not something I wanted to hear today.

Yesterday Lily and I were out playing frisbee. Knowing that the grass needs to be cut soon we started gathering all the sticks in the yard... I just so happened to place them in a spot by the fence. We went to survey the rest of the yard for sticks and I looked back and it was the spot where RoseBud sat - where I remember her sitting, disoriented herself, those last couple days three years ago. We had belonged to Venture Outdoors and took her on a doggy day trek... she never recovered from that hike. I don't know if it would have made a difference or not - but one of my few regrets in my life is not picking her up when she wanted me to that day.
I don't think that "got biscuits" tank top that she wore that day will ever go on another dog. I can't stand thinking about it.

Anyway, there was a guy down the street - "Stick Man" - I don't even know his real name. He and his wife were really nice and they would always stop and talk and laugh because RoseBud would pick up and carry sticks with her on her walks... I had a rosebud up stairs that was ready to be thrown away so Lily and I dismantled it ala he loves me he loves me not and threw them on the sticks. Lily was way more excited than this photo shows - she was chasing the petals in the wind! ;-)
It was our little homage to the puppy dog!

We'll love you and miss you forever, RoseBud, and you'll always make me happy when skies are gray.

With a thousand sweet kisses... love the bud.

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