Wednesday, April 27, 2011


TOT - Ten On Tuesday (a day late)

1. I'm going to do this post early because these little blue pills are knocking me on my butt... Speaking of butts. I bought yoga pants the other day at Sam's Club and I have to say my butt looks fantastic in them.

2. Not sure about this. Pomsky = Pomeranian + Husky

3. No one likes a know-it-all...

4. Everyone wants to be a winner.

5. Does anyone remember this movie?

6. What if you lived in IKEA?

7. If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present. - Lao Tzu.
It's always NOW - isn't it?

8. Probably not happening any time soon since they used the Millenium Celebration for about six years but I really would like the "disney memories" commercial to STOP now.

9. I had to tell everyone that goes shopping with me to STOP me if I ever bought another bag of marshmallows. I am a sucker for those seasonal ones... hearts, bunnies, gingerbread men... I did open the bunnies on Easter but the christmas ones and hearts are still down there. I made the pistachio fluff b/c I forgot what the colored mini ones tasted like and wanted to try them in there (yum) and made rice krispie treats with the normal ones... Funny thing is I don't even really like marshmallows all that much.

10. Slackers. ;-)

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