Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Decided to do my TOT (ten on tuesday) today... a day late.

1. They brought this in to The Dad after surgery yesterday.... I didn't even know Turner's made this.

2. I tried to do this today. I failed by mid-aternoon. ;-(

3. I woke up this morning from a strange dream - mixed in Lizzie's cuba pictures with some out of the country junk store that had tons of little old Tonka and old cars, airplanes, etc... for me to plant flowers in and they were all $3 and under. It was like I died and went to heaven. I kept walking from there to a place that was supposed to be Rick's house - he had a thousand people over from school (which was all my school) he had all these lights hanging from his garage and everyone came over to help him put a drop ceiling in. He had roller skates on and was spinning around - he wanted to convert his garage into a roller skating room. ;-) Then they had a concrete truck that poured out this red stuff which I think in my head symbolized the catheter. I said it was strange! I really want some of those old trucks I saw, though.

4. shhh...

5. As the days go buy I can't wait to go to bed so I don't have to do anything for a few hours. I know I need to stop complaining - I'm just running on empty, it seems.

6. We had to leave early yesterday to get to the hospital - the puppy was, of course, all snuggled in bed sound asleep - I changed my shirt and put on what I had on the night before so I could scoop her out of bed without getting dog hair all over me and carried her downstairs to go potty. It wasn't until we were on Allegheny River Boulevard that I realized I never changed back into my clean shirt. Oops!

7. Fork in the road... Pasadena, CA

8. I don't know anything about this band - octopus project - I just really liked this picture.

9. I have my mother's old maybelline eyelash curler. I've used it for years - at least 20 - and she had it way before. They don't carry the white rubber refills for them anymore and have stupid black silicone ones. I thought I was the only one that cared about it but I did a google search and there are many that are in my same predicament!

10. Call me spoiled but...
...just a little one. ;-)

It's time for bed. Yay!

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