Tuesday, September 11, 2012



1. The Friday night (on Sunday) crew was complimenting me on my multitude of pinterest boards. By complimenting me, I mean making fun of me. ;-)  Regardless, I have 27 mason jar lids to drill before December 25th.  ;-)  mason jars make me smile.

2.  Tascha posted some easy steps to drawing a pug in our student group... Her boyfriend said it was similar to this.  ;-)

3. When I was a little kid I would take a dixie cup out with me and pick the (deadly, poisonous) berries off this bush because I didn't want the birds to get sick.

4. I use the "Find my iPhone" feature a lot...
5.  I still have dreams of being a trucker... I often find myself wondering what the inside of the cab looks like when I pass by a truck and dream about taking naps in there with Lily.

6. I love this elevator button...

7. Like one wasn't enough to put on your car.
8. There are lots of new fancy radiation shirts... I so would have had this tree one if it was around when I started.
9. Have I talked about these single sheet toilet paper dispensers at the hospital???  I find them interesting.

10. Glo was with Betty all day today... I had a dinner/workshop to go to at the Doubletree in Monroeville... I have to say from what was served there tonight I would definitely have an event there - it was surprisingly good.

I was leaving and all I wanted to do was get a room and go upstairs and go to sleep for a few hours - my love of hotel beds was pulling me in!

11.  I think it's more than appropriate to have an 11 on the 11th...

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