Thursday, May 6, 2010


I have a strange connection with inanimate objects... I sometimes think they talk to me. Not in a schizophrenic way - more like a magical way...

Lily and I went for a walk this morning and the trees rained on us. It was a bright, sunny, really nice morning but with the early breeze and rain storm last night we got caught in an unexpected "shower." I was a little mad because I struggled for a long time last night to flat iron my hair but I have to say it was kind of fun! ;-)

I think trees are considered inanimate, right??? Even though they are technically living they still can't really communicate consciously - to most people that is. ;-) Anyway, I used to think that the trees spoke to me... there are a couple up on Morrison that I am particulary fond of. I haven't been walking up there much anymore because Lily doesn't like going that far. They are old and worn and weathered but still growing strong. I always wondered what they thought??? All the people they must have seen walk by - and if anyone else heard them like I did. I wondered if they knew when a little leaf blew off and if they all said goodbye or if they cried when a branch fell down from the wind... I don't even want to tell you what I wondered they thought of when a tree trimming truck drove by!!! Ok - maybe I should be on some hallucination medication but I kind of miss seeing them so I went up later today to say hello...

There's a Kabbalistic principle that deals with the suddenly syndrome... did you ever just wake up one morning and find a full grown oak tree outside your kitchen window? No! Somewhere, a seed was planted, it got sun and water, it took root... It didn't just suddenly appear. Our senses see effects - not cause. We see branches but not the seed because it's hidden in the ground. It's time to get to the roots and time to visit my tree friends a little more. Oh, and listen. ;-)

{Day 126 and I'm still at this photo a day thing - yay me!}

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