Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I thought about this when I took the picture of the Christmas tree the other day... Remember the Secret Santa Shop at Kaufmann's? I used to love going there and "shopping" for the perfect gift. I think I liked getting things for other people more than my own gifts. I bought my Dad's "superbowl ring" there and he still has it in his jewelry box today. I know I bought enough wreath and christmas tree pins for a lifetime of lapels for my grandmother's coats. In the long run they were probably worth more to her than anything good. Even back then I remember wrapping my gifts just so and making sure they were just what I thought the other person wanted. I like to think that I'm still like that today. Actually, I know that I am! This picture cracks me up because it's just the perfect amount of me being "nervous" and "excited" for my Grandma to be opening up her gifts and I think I still make that face today. ;-) {click to enlarge}

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