Friday, May 14, 2010



My naturopathic doctor recommended I start a month long Spring Cleanse/Detox... It's going ok - I'm on the smoothie phase now. I am pretty good around the kitchen if I do say so myself - but last night I had to google, of all things, HOW TO MAKE ICE!?!?! Seriously, who has a hard time making ice? I always forget if it's hot or cold water???

In case you are interested - here's how:
Use filtered water. Boil it and let it cool. After it is cool, boil the water again. The double boiling eliminates dissolved air in the water and decomposes minerals which will make it crystal clear.

Needless to say, my ice was a little cloudy. ;-)

Here's my first smoothie - besides it tasting like a Creamsicle fell in the sand and I picked it up and blended it with some berries - it was delicious.

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