It was against my better judgement to say yes to this... The daughter of my dad's friend got married today.
There were a few reasons why I didn't want to go...
One - I didn't want to go and be my dad's date.... it's bad enough that he calls me JoAnn a couple times a day.
Two - I knew this would be a pretty fancy wedding comparable to ours.
Three - I wanted to break sharon's other ankle when I found out she fell in a hole at Costco and couldn't go! Just kidding. Well, not really. ;-)
Turns out I ended up on a double date...
... with my Dad and Brother. Well Brother and my Dad, I should say.
Also, turns out that sometime after the soup and salad Brother passed out at the table for about 5-10 minutes. We all thought he was dead - god forbid. I was shaking him and nothing - he was completely out cold. I called 911 and after coming to and about 10 paramedics trying to figure things out he was on a stretcher and off to Shadyside hospital...
It really was a nice wedding too...
It was full of the usual cast of characters and familiar names (and all their nicknames) including Aulicino, Tigano, Garofalo, Vitti, Girasole, Capozzoli, Insogna and Rulli even came in from Vegas! The talk of their boys night out get togethers and years past was all you heard.
Besides the whole ending up in the emergency room until 1 AM thing it turned out to be a really nice night.
I was rockin my professionally applied MAC makeup and my favorite Anthropologie dress with the flowers on it. There were lots of Italian Pastries and songs from every mob movie... As expected, though, there were a little too many reminders and people
still talking about a day some 13+ years ago.
Wouldn't you know it, Steven Vance - strolling violinist - was there... He had a list of songs you could request as he came by table by table... There was one on the list that I had to choose - as difficult as it was... the song we danced to at our wedding.

Some others I've seen,
Might never be mean
Might never be cross,
Or try to be boss
But they wouldn't do
For nobody else, gave me a thrill
With all your faults, I love you still
It had to be you, wonderful you
It had to be you.
So much for that, I guess.
My feet hurt along with my heart.
I'm going to bed... It's 2:45 AM... just about my usual time to be getting up..