Thursday, November 17, 2011


Remember when this was like the go-to grad gift? It probably still is. I remember my cousin Anthony giving me this book for my high school graduation with a gift certificate to the Penn State book store and a little note about not letting my hair curl too much at college (he was my hair dresser too!)
I came across this idea (* see note below) of secretly giving this book to your kid's K-12 teachers at the end of each year and have them write a little note in it and then give the book to your son or daughter for his or her graduation. I'm not sure if I'll ever get to do that but I thought it was cute.

Anyway, I was out all day today. I met The Dad at his dr. appointment this morning... went to Glo's to put out multiple fires there... Oakland for me. I stopped at the rest stop today on the Turnpike to get a mocha and was kind of frozen there for awhile and was thinking about all the places I've been... all the roadtrips and adventures and even just being around here. Yes, I'm taking this book title literally, here. My mother drove the parkway two times in her life - and once was going the wrong way on the Churchill ramp! I'm not sure she ever pumped gas either. I don't know! I felt like I was driving all day today... actually I was driving all day. I was in the car thinking how did I get here - literally and figuratively. I came home shaking from doing so much and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. I feel like I'm headed for something that's not too good. I'm either on the verge of a nervous breakdown or a heart attack.

I think it's time to snuggle with my puppy for awhile and breathe.

This will all be here tomorrow - 98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.

* Found this idea on Pinterest... check out the link here and visit A Sprinkle of This - A Dash of That for more great ideas.

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